An interview with Alex Gibson.
Alex is 18, from Melbourne, and part of the Australian Team currently at Agape. Seeing Alex interact with the children, it was clear to see that this young man was deeply touched by the love at Agape. So I thought I’d share the story. See if it strikes a cord with you.
Alex first visited Agape Home with his family in 2009. Back then he thought it was a wonderful place. But he didn’t really realize the full meaning of what was done here. He was a typical 13 yr old who said he joined in the games and played soccer with the kids because it was the thing to do. Today he is back at Agape with other Australian youth. But this time he has a real purpose.
Alex with his ‘lil buddy
I asked Alex to share how he felt about Agape this time around. He described how his heart just filled each time he saw a child laugh and smile. He shared his compassion in being able to give something – his time and love – to these children. He spoke about how deeply rewarding it is just to be able to add to their day and bring some joy into their lives. While we were talking, a young boy who Alex had been playing with started to repeat some of Alex’s words in English. The look of pride on Alex’s face just said it all. Clearly they had been practicing.
Alex has a very different perspective today than he did as a young boy. Today he is filled with the Agape magic of sharing love. I asked him what he would share with his friends at home about his experience. He told me he will encourage them to visit Agape. He will encourage them to realize how lucky they are and to not take things for granted. Visiting Agape will do something to their soul. To see these children making the very most out of their lives and to make a small contribution in their struggle is so incredibly rewarding.
Alex told me that he had difficulty putting his emotions into words. He didn’t have to. I could see how happy he was around the children.
His closing statement: “Their smiles make your day.”
Alex will return to Australia to continue his studies at Bible College. And yes, I am pretty sure he will be back.
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